Friday, January 23, 2009

More on the Library

This library is very exciting for me and already we have recieved interest in sending us books!!! Thanks to everyone who is helping. Some questions have come up and I would like to address them:

1. Are any books acceptable? YES, as long as they are in good condition and sutiable for children and teens. Educational books about animals, plants, the world, people, etc. are also appreciated.

2. My contact info if you would like to correspond personally with me about the library project: Please DO NOT sell or use my e-mail for mass e-mails or the likes.

3. Shipping: right now I am aware of using M-bags to ship reading material abroad. Basically no matter how much reading material you send (up to 66lbs) in the M-bag it will cost the same as sending an 11lbs package to the country you are sending the reading material to. Videos, CD's, DVD's, tapes may also be sent but only 4lbs of the M-bag can contain this kind of material.

We at RSCC look forward to parterning with you on this project! Have a great day.

1 comment:

Kate Pentz said...

Sorry for the mistake in spelling of my e-mail address. I hope my correction was swift enough. Have a great day!