In the Philippines we take what we can get and use it. During the time I saw this kid round the corner and ride towards me he had to put his bike chain back on twice. I just loved the bike because even with two different tires it works like a charm. I don't think I would ever see this kind of ingenuity in the U.S.

Here is a piece of land between that I walk by on my way to work along our national highway. It is an informal settlement which people are squatting on. What is interesting about this land is how badly it floods. This woman is wading through the "road" to get to her home from the highway. I told you the flooding here is crazy!

Okay so I was in Manila with some coworkers picking up a kid. Also on the road was this truck and the men riding in the truck were sleeping in hammocks. What a way to travel!!!!
The squatters are pretty interesting. They are all over Latin America. The are called alot of things; Maoists, communists, socialists. They really won't leave the land. You can't even pay them. PCVs occasionally make the mistake of getting caught between the government and the squatters. Fern Holland ran into that problem and I did too, but it worked out for me.
I wonder alot when something happens to PCVs. Campbell was moved from her site before she died. I don't know the area, but it's classic to be transferred out of an area with alot of squatters and high tourism.
She opened a conservation area, marine. There is new legislaltion out:
H.R.2185 that combines tropical forests and coral reefs ecosystems into one large fund. I think this is what Campbell was doing before she moved from her site.
Hi Kate,
I was nominated last year for the PC but had to delay a year for my job. I'd like tolearn more about your experiences in the Philippines for I think I might want it for my site. I will be in the Philippines from December 18th - Jan. 5th. Will you still be in country? I'd love to meet with you and others when I'm there! If not I'd love to chat with you sometime.
I can be reached at gotime@earthlink.net or on the Blackberry at +1 604 418 0473. Slamat Po.
Tim Scott
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