These are the four participants and my really amazing counterpart from my center :-)
I love the saying from the movie Forest Gump: “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.” So many opportunities fall into my lap all the time being here and it is hard to choose, sometimes I will want to participate and commit to it but it is hard to do it all and then I back out. Today has been a tough day; yes I do have these and from what I’m told it is normal (I’m kidding I know they are normal). I’m feeling a little overwhelmed with the amount of projects I have going and will be starting soon. I was telling my sister that one of my biggest challenges in my life is the lack of ability to pace myself which can lead to me becoming paralyzed until a deadline and then it gets done. I probably don’t sound very professional but I guess that’s life and I am human. I’m working on it but I think I’m also just hard on myself because it has been a very busy week and I’m over tired. I’ll get there.
I just helped facilitate a 4 day Girls L.E.A.D camp for 30 girls (4 were from my center) and it was amazing. In a way it was more like a conference because it was session orientated. My counterpart and I facilitated 2 sessions: friendship and understanding cause and effect. Other sessions were: past/present/future, career visualization, agree to disagree, goal planning, and communication. The second half of the camp the girls had to decide on one session, plan and prepare to echo it to some of the residents at their center. I think it went really well and we had 5 pairs of girls planning to replicate one of our sessions. It was really hard work, the first activity was at 6am and lights out was at 10pm with a very tight schedule. The facilitators were constantly on and encouraging the girls so by the end of the 4 days all participants and staff were totally exhausted.
It was nice to work with a group of girls who thought they had limited options, then to see them bloom over the 4 days and see there are options for them. This was the second time the camp had been conducted and not many changes had been made regarding the content and implementation. A few of us hope to do it again next year and make it an annual program. The counterparts that worked on the camp again this year had grown since the last one and their self confidence as facilitators improved. They are really motivated to see this program continue. I look forward to working with them on it next year.
One of my younger girls really came out of her shell and I am so proud of her. She is often the one who follows the stronger girls at our center without much standing up for herself. She is quiet and reserved; she is very polite and sweet. Over the 4 days she would give her opinion when asked, and would try to interact and have fun with the other older girls. I was concerned she and the other younger girl would not be able to replicate a session because of their timid persona but after practicing a few times she improved and interactive. I think her session will go very well.
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