Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sobra Init!!!

Sobra init - So very hot!!!! I have definitely noticed the heat since I have returned. Make no mistake about that. But today, we are talking heat at another level. The last ½ kilometer was like looking at an oasis; you know there is water you just got to keep your feet moving. I arrived at work drenched in my own sweat, disgusting!!!! Another part of living here that I have learned to live with. Before I took a shower this morning I had downed a liter of water.

To be honest I also ran this morning which already elevated my body temperature and I had to go to the elementary school before walking to work. Now if I had just gone straight to work I may have not pushed my body over the edge. It really has got hotter for sure because I’m using my fan throughout the night and that is like temp gauge. It will get hotter because I’m still turning it off about 5am; I’m waiting for the days when I NEED it. I think I could get by without it.

It makes me think that when my day revolves around the weather what does that say about me and my living situation??? The sun also drains your energy and I wonder why it has to be so greedy when it creates so much of its own energy. I think I’m a little heat delirious at this moment and after my lunch nap I will get back to normal; 2.5 hours from now.

Think positive for me please!!!!!

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